Spike Camp

Breaking in old weatherby?

Breaking in old weatherby?
« on: March 24, 2009, 03:08:31 PM »
I Have a new to me "southgate" weatherby 300, from 1954. It has a busted stock and has been sitting in a box since at least 1986. i have an unfinished stock on order. My question is... after i get the stock finished and everything put together and bedded, do I need to follow any certain steps like I would be breaking in a new barrel? or just go out and shoot?


P.S. This is by far the most aggrivating excitment i have ever gone through waiting for this stock to come in, so i can shoot finally!!

Oregon Jim

Re: Breaking in old weatherby?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 08:06:41 PM »
I strongly suggest that you do a serious cleaning of the bore and action before you shoot it, but it has almost certainly been broken in.

I have only a few suggestions. First, never shoot so quickly that your barrel gets too hot. Second, a dirty barrel will screw up your accuracy. Keep your barrel VERY clean. And last, take your time and savor every moment. Make the release of tons of energy from your barrel become one of those "Zen moments" of perfection. That's what makes Weatherby what it is!