Considering my baits were being hit by at least 6 different bears, it has turned into a totally unexplainable and humbling hunting experience!!! I have yet to see a single bear!
I sat on my best bait opening day for a total of around 10 hours without a sighting. I left my bucket with an attached seat cushion under a cedar tree that night and the next morning I found a bear had crushed and chewed the bucket and ripped the seat up!!!
I didn’t hunt the next 4 days due to the excessive heat, mid 90’s. Since the opener the bears are still hitting my baits but now come in after dark, the only thing I can figure is the extreme number of acorns that are falling?! I’m hunting on my cousins farm next to a refuge, so there are no other hunters I know of close to me.
Here’s a picture of the acorns below an oak where I park my truck and walk in!!!