Funny thing is it started way before the Cell phone went in use.
I had a friend who's home phone was tapped and every time I called him I could hear someone pick up after he answered the phone. Him and his wife worked for the Feds.
I held several security clearances over the years and have had numerous back round checks, my life was an open book even after I retired and may still be.
30 years with the Telco says you need a court order to tap a land line or permission , not so with a cell or internet! I saw 3 such hard wired court ordered taps and saw proof of one other. The one I can talk openly about was a print shop making false titles for cars near Rockville Md. in the early 70's. One other was a known drug dealer that copped a deal and "disappeared" into witness protection. The other 2 involved national security agency on Fort Meade, just outside Laurel Md.