Greetings all,
New to the rifle scene but have owned and shot handguns and shotguns for quite some time now. Purchased a new Vanguard Weatherguard Bronze in 6.5CM to be used as a potential hunting rifle down the road. I also signed up for a new private outdoor range to start practicing at a little bit longer range than i am used to with my other guns. Needless to say, im having too much fun. This rifle has now turned into my target gun and have been running it on the weekends each time i go out shooting.
I started reading about some of the potential wear and life expectancy concerns on lightweight barrels when fired too often/too hard. When i am at the range, ill typically run through maybe a 3-4 round group, stop and reload, resight in, put through another 3-4 rounds, and then maybe take a few minutes down time or switch to another gun for a bit and then come back. In general, im averaging somewhere between 20-40 rounds per range visit, over the course of 3-4 hours, 2-3 times per month.
On a #2 lightweight barrel, is this type of frequency of any concern in regard to getting the barrel too hot and causing premature barrel wear? My concern is that if i spend 6-12 months practicing on this gun and learning it in this fashion, that by the time i actually make it out into the woods for a first hunt, will i have caused any damage to the barrel at that point to where accuracy or overall barrel life may have been impacted? Are these barrels meant more to be fired one and done and then put away, such as in a single deer hunt?
I may be over thinking it a bit, and likely i am, but for a lightweight barrel just trying to really understand my limitations. I understand no one wants to sit there and rapid fire 30 rounds through non stop and smoke the barrel. But in a manner as mentioned above, 3-6 rounds give or take with minimal time in between, is that causing too much heat for this style of barrel?