How would you rate your Mark V German made 300 Wby? The overall condition of the rifle will be will be a big consideration for most buyers, as was noted by txaggie. The list below is just a sample of some of the details that will help to sum up the value of the firearm you're trying to sell. Sometimes the actual description of a rifle (worded portrayal) doesn't tell the whole story so detailed pictures are necessary to convince a buyer. One mans 95% pristine may be another mans 80%, so be as straightforward with your description and close up photos as possible. Pointing out flaws or perceived flaws goes a long way (honesty) in the eyes of a buyer.
This is not the be-all/end-all list of standers, just a sample of considerations.
Addendum: Include description of scope
NEW: Not previously sold at retail, in same condition as current factory production.
PERFECT: In New condition in every respect. (Jim's note - in my experience, many collectors & dealers use "As New" to describe this condition).
EXCELLENT: New condition, used but little, no noticeable marring of wood or metal, bluing perfect, (except at muzzle or sharp edges).
VERY GOOD: In perfect working condition, no appreciable wear on working surfaces, no corrosion or pitting, only minor surface dents or scratches.
GOOD: In safe working condition, minor wear on working surfaces, no broken parts, no corrosion or pitting that will interfere with proper functioning.
FAIR: In safe working condition but well worn, perhaps requiring replacement of minor parts or adjustments which should be indicated in advertisement, no rust, but may have corrosion pits which do not render article unsafe or inoperable.