The rifle is a pristine (clean) MKV Deluxe 270 Wby manufactured in 1960 with a 24", #1 contour barrel, 1:12 twist with a 3x9 Weatherby Supreme Scope. Trigger is set at 2.1 lb. Nice to look at but here is the problem, I'm having a hell of a time removing a considerable amount of built up carbon (time and elbow grease will get it out). The throat looks like it is at .050 wear and the rifle should have a .035 free-bore according to Weatherby and was designed to shoot 1.5 MOA new. I like the fact its a 24", #1 contour barrel and like to have the barrel changed. So here is the dilemma, Weatherby can only install a 26", #2 contour barrel and if they did that the stock has to be replaced. I like the rifle the way it is so question to the Weatherby experts, is there a manufacture that sells a #1 contour, with a high gloss finish? Appreciate the help. Thank you