Spike Camp

22-250 heavy barrel

22-250 heavy barrel
« on: April 22, 2009, 09:09:13 AM »
I am looking at a new 22-250 for p-dogs, yotes, and... well just for fun. i like the savage but would really prefer a weatherby. do they make a heavy barreld 22-250 besides the sum-moa?


Re: 22-250 heavy barrel
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2009, 09:50:47 AM »
The Vanguard Predator has a 22" #3 contour and is available in .22-250, it also appears to be about $250 cheaper than the Sub-MOA Varmint.  The Vanguard Predator looks to have very similar characteristics to the Savage model 10 Predator Hunter.  All camo, short-ish heavy barrel, varmint calibers.  probably handles very well and carry's less forend weight than the longer barrel varmint rigs.

Re: 22-250 heavy barrel
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 11:02:17 AM »
My hunting pard just picked up a 22" blued Vanguard in 223 at our local money pit for $475. It has a heavy barrel and tan-spiderweb varmint stock. Weathery doesn''t even catolog this so don't know where to find one in your area. BTW they had two more in 22-250. I've also found that walmart stocks weird uncatologed Weatherby rifles....I just picked up a tan-spiderweb stocked Vanguard in 257Roy for $390.

Good luck,

100% Public Land DIY


Re: 22-250 heavy barrel
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2009, 12:04:41 PM »
My wife got me the exact same gun in 300wby for the exact same price.  I have been unsuccessful in finding it in any of the catalogs but from what I can gather it's just a Vanguard Synthetic with the $50 tan and black spiderweb paint upgrade.  The odd thing is that they don't charge $450 for it instead the upgraded stock goes for $10 less at Wally World.  They do carry some oddball stuff at wal-mart so I just stop in from time to time to see what they have and if I find something I like I jump on it before it has time to be bought up by someone who has no idea what an odd find he has on his hands.
I have often wondered if you could contact Weatherby's custom shop and build a custom Vanguard starting with the Vanguard Synthetic as a base.  I really wish they would put a custom build shop online with prices, at least for the Vanguard lineup.  I would have a mountain of customs built and saved to my wish list.