Spike Camp

Who made Africa so fascinating for us -- Africa, The Golden Age till Present


Capstick, Boddington, And SCI magazines. Also many movies .


Heres the short list.
Col. Boddington
Jeff Cooper
Ron Spomer
Teddy Roosevelt

keep your powder dry


A great book on Africa is "I Married Adventure" by Osa Johnson.  about a husband and wife team who at the turn of the century went to Africa to photograph and hunt.
A great look at Africa in a time that is gone forever.  they wrote many other books and some of my favorites are (by Martin Johnson)
Through the south seas with Jack London
Camera trails in Africa
and Four years in paradise
If you have never read any of the  above and are interested in true adventure and a look at the past I highly recomend them all
« Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 12:28:48 PM by Scottosan »

John Duarte

The writers who got me interested in going to Africa were Elgin Gates, Dr. Frank Hibben and Herb Klein. I read their stuff before I read Ruark or Hemingway. It took me fortythree years to make my first trip, but I never forgot their influence on me.


wally taber. his safari shows were the stuff of my dreams. i still have a couple of the magazines sold at the shows. my grandfather was a good friend of his so it was extra special.


Noone tells it like Capstick did,He gets my vote...........


I know that he was already mention in the very beginning, but a must read for everybody that loves Africa is Richard Meinertzhagen. His book is not that well known, but it is incredible. This guy was a true warrior and sportsman. He actually met Adolf Hitler before WWII and thought that he was nuts. Richard came up with a plan to murder him as Richard wrote in his book "nothing good can become of Hitlers existance", but alas, he backed out. Everything that Richard did or where ever he went, was always compared to his hunting exploits of Africa.


 For me it was Hemingway, Capstick, and Roosevelt.


Heres my list:
    1. Hemingway
    2. Rouark
    3. TR
    4. Fred Bear

Capstick. The first book i read was  "the last ivory hunter" and i have been hooked ever since. I have a trip planned to South Africa in august to for plains game all because of Capstick. It is odd that all the good ones are dead. But of the ones that are still around, Boddington puts on a good show on the outdoor channel .


I would vote for Col. Boddington. I must have read and re-read "Safari Rifles" a dozen times. I'd also throw Ruark and Hemmingway into the mix.


Theodore Roosevelt would be my #1 choice, followed by Jack Lott.


Peter Capstick (for his abilities as a B.S.'er of the first order)
John Taylor (Experience means a LOT)
Harry Selby (He learned from the best and then became the best in his own time.)
Brian Marsh (Excellent in every aspect. This man I would want to guide me.)


Here's my list, in the order I read them

1. Peter Hathaway Capstick
2. Teddy Roosevelt
3. Colonel Henry Patterson
4. Robert Ruark
5. Ernest Hemingway
6. J.A. Hunter
7. Craig Boddington

Hopefully, there are many others out there that will continue to stimulate my thoughts of hunting in Africa!


I would have to say my list includes:

1.  My husband.  He dreamt of Africa since he was a kid.  We have been three times.  The first two were for plains game, and this last Thanksgiving we were there for him to take his first buffalo.  The really cool thing is we went to the Dallas SCI show and saw Craig Boddington again.  But, this time we also got to talk to Kevin "Doctari" Robertson.  It was really something that my husband got to talk to him.  Especially since he had studied "Perfect Shot" for years, and had practiced with the "Perfect Shot" posters.  He envisioned where the bullet would hit.  Straight up the leg, one-third into the body.  He made a perfect shot.
2.  Capstick.  Loved all the books.
3. Ruark - especially when the Hornady commercial quotes his, "He looks at you like you owe him money."  Truer words have never been spoken.
4.  Boddington - what else can I say?  A true expert.
5. Tony Makris - Love the Under Wild Skies Africa show - especially the beginning.  I get chills when the voice comes on, talking.
6.  Finally, the original "Uncle Ted."  Roosevelt. 

This Thanksgiving, I caught a huge tiger fish on Lake Jozini in KwaZulu-Natal Africa.  If you want to see some of our Africa mounts, they can be seen on my video for the contest.  "Let's Level the Playing Field." As soon as I can figure out a way to upload my photos on here, I'm posting them on my wall.  Love looking at Africa pictures.  I have some awesome giraffe pictures from this time.  They are 10 times better than any poster I have seen in the store.  Did I mention I miss Africa?
