There are plenty of used Mark V Synthetics in 270Wby for around $500-600, and you could easily have an even better combination for under $800 if you don't mind a good scope that's not a Zeiss or Leupold, but would still be a strong improvement over the Banner scope on the Vanguard Synthetic Package. No offense to the Banner, mind you. I'm thinking Nikon Buckmaster/Bushnell Elite 3200/Burris Fullfield II, any of which could be had for under $200 (some as low as $175 or less if you find them on sale), and a decent set of rings and bases for $35 or so. Add that to the out the door price of a $500 Mark V synthetic off the used rack, and you're in good shape at well under $800. And you'd have the 26" barrel, too. Let me know if you need help sourcing a used gun.