I own an accumark in 338-378 wby, and I have to admit it has to be the sweetest rifle I have ever shot. The first time I saw the .378 case I thought it looked like an anti-aircraft round, and I have to admit with the 30.06 springfield being the largest calibre I had shot before that I was a little bit intimidated. Regardless I put the rifle up to my shoulder and pulled the trigger and was amazed by the amount of recoil (or rather lack there of). This rifle comes to your shoulder beautifully, the short bolt lift is absolutely awesome and the way the gun absorbs the recoil (through stock design and accubrake - although even without the break its not uncomfortable to shoot) is unbelieveable
I have to admit, that first shot was really my first true weatherby experience, up until then I had only heard myths about these marvelous rifles, or handled them in store show rooms, but once I pulled that trigger, it began. And I have caught what a close circle of us over here in Australia have termed "weatherbyitis"