Like you when i dicided to buy a new gun two years ago i was torn to what brand and caliber to i started to research.I read gun mags talked to gun shop dealers and spent hours on the computer.One gun shop dealer i talked to up here in Vancouver pulled three different gun brands off the rack all in the same caliber, and when i asked why that particular caliber he said .They have been shooting squirrels to grizzly bears with caliber for decades it never let you down.I read a survey in a hunting mag where they ask outfitters across Canada if they could only have one caliber rifle what would it be? Out of the thirty that responded i was quite surprized at the choice.I read many reviews on the computer
, and one vary well knowen gun expert discribed this caiber as the most capable and universal caliber on the planet, and with todays modern ammo its even better. I sat in on hunting seminar at the vancouver hunting show,the guy doing the talk was a moose hunting expert ,and he said this caliber has been and will always be his go to caliber.Wondering what it is? Its the 30-06! Like i said i spent many hours on the computer reading rifle reviews. and the gun i bought i didn't find one negative review on this rifle! I bought a Weatherby Vanguard S2 synthetic stainless steel bead blasted finish in 30-06. Just got it ,and I'm having a Votex Viper HS 2.5x10-44 put on it. Do the research , listen too the good people on the Nation. And let us all know what you ended up buying. By the way i hunt white tail, mule deer, Elk, moose, and maybe bear up here in Canada.