Spike Camp

Torn for my first rifle???

mike cardinal

Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2013, 05:36:37 PM »
I shot him with the .257 younger cousin. The 25-06. If it can kill this it can kill a bear.
If you really want a bigger gun later get the .257. If you may be a one gun hunter get the

Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2013, 03:12:08 PM »
Like you when i dicided to buy a new gun two years ago i was torn to what brand and caliber to buy.so i started to research.I read gun mags talked to gun shop dealers and spent hours on the computer.One gun shop dealer i talked to up here in Vancouver pulled three different gun brands off the rack all in the same caliber, and when i asked why that particular caliber he said .They have been shooting squirrels to grizzly bears with caliber for decades it never let you down.I read a survey in a hunting mag where they ask outfitters across Canada if they could only have one caliber rifle what would it be? Out of the thirty that responded i was quite surprized at the choice.I read many reviews on the computer
, and one vary well knowen gun expert discribed this caiber as the most capable and universal caliber on the planet, and with todays modern ammo its even better. I sat in on hunting seminar at the vancouver hunting show,the guy doing the talk was a moose hunting expert ,and he said this caliber has been and will always be his go to caliber.Wondering what it is? Its the 30-06! Like i said i spent many hours on the computer reading rifle reviews. and the gun i bought i didn't find one negative review on this rifle! I bought a Weatherby Vanguard S2 synthetic stainless steel bead blasted finish in 30-06. Just got it ,and I'm having a Votex Viper HS 2.5x10-44 put on it. Do the research , listen too the good people on the Nation. And let us all know what you ended up buying. By the way i hunt white tail, mule deer, Elk, moose, and maybe bear up here in Canada.


Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2013, 02:15:46 PM »
first rifles:
1. the first one is usually free or best offer
2. the next has to look 'cool'
3. the next has to perform better than the 'cool' one
4. the next will have specific design characteristics
5. the next will cost more than the first four all together
6. number five will be someone else's new number one, and if all goes well..its starts over


Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2013, 02:51:36 PM »
Since you don't reload I'd recommend the 270 over the 257 Wby simply because ammo is more abundant and affordable.  If you're willing to consider a 3rd caliber I'd throw the 30-06 into the mix too, it's versatile and easy to sell if you decide to upgrade to something else at a later date.   


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Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2013, 03:22:36 PM »
first rifles:
1. the first one is usually free or best offer
2. the next has to look 'cool'
3. the next has to perform better than the 'cool' one
4. the next will have specific design characteristics
5. the next will cost more than the first four all together
6. number five will be someone else's new number one, and if all goes well..its starts over

Roger gets a Grand Champion ribbon for stating it the way it is.  A sarcastic-minded person might think that the list is simply stating the obvious. A hunter sees the list and thinks "Yup, that's pretty much the way it goes."
Well done, Roger.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.

Every man needs to know his limits.


Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2013, 09:29:56 PM »
thanks for the nod eford!
btw the list also works with girls........... especially line #5 and 6 after a divorce

Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2013, 09:38:36 PM »
Faster horses,younger women,older whiskey,and more money.

Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2013, 09:49:16 PM »
lol, how true! well I've got a couple 270's and a 257wby and the 270's just seem to sit there anymore. that's from coyotes to deer to bear. love that caliber. got the rum for elk and moose. I pick 257wby. start reloading.. :)


Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2013, 10:13:02 PM »
If your not hand loading I recommend a 7mm remington mag.  Weatherby Vanguard, Tika, Ruger,  Winchester Mod 70 all are excellent rifles available for most budgets.


Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2013, 07:20:27 PM »
I +1 James  ;D

Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2013, 09:49:21 PM »
I think either caliber would be fine for the game you speak of.  Both would have about the same level of recoil and having lived in Washington state as well, I think either would be fine for the shot distances you'll likely encounter.  I like the .257 Weatherby and it is a great caliber, but I guess if I had to select between the two, I would go with the .270 Winchester.  I just think it is a more versatile caliber and there is a wider variety of ammunition available.  If I were going to chase a bear and had my choice between the two calibers, I would select a good 150 grain bullet out of a .270 Winchester. 


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Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2013, 11:57:04 AM »
If you're just looking for a rifle to deer hunt, and occasionally elk or bear hunt (which it sounds like you are) and you don't handload, I'll throw my weight behind the 270Win as a great first rifle.  It is versatile enough to hunt any of the game you'd hunt in WA - even elk - though it's not ideal for elk.  It's also cheap enough to shoot that you can spend a lot of time with the rifle, and become very proficient with it.  There's a lot of merit in being able to put a bullet right where you want it, under pressure.  Being proficient through practice is the only way to achieve that.  Well, you could hope to get lucky, but if you're not a multiple lotto winner, I'd steer clear of hope as a strategy.

As for what rifle to get, I'd head for some local gunshops and handle and shoulder several rifles.  The one that comes up to your shoulder most naturally is the one for you.  I love my 'bees, but I tell folks all the time, get the one that fits.

Good luck.
I believe this is a practical world, and in it I can count only on what I can earn.  Therefore I believe in work, hard work. - The Auburn Creed
The older I get, the less stock I place in what men say, and the more I place in what men do. - Andrew Carnegie


Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2013, 10:43:53 AM »
back in the 70's when we were hunting mule deer in AZ, more open area ridge to ridge etc. most all had 30 cal. rifles(30-06 and 308 and 30-30). the guy's I hunted with pretty good and I would rate them better than myself, we jump a few deer 200+ yards out some of them took a few shots, I was not up at the point where I could see them, the deer went another ridge or two over by the time I was up there to see them, they had stopped taking shots at them, and where talking. I look the ridge over with the scope on my old 257 Wby saw horns and put cross hairs just over the shoulders some and shot, the oldest hunter in the party said, you dropped that deer, it was the flat shooting of the 257 Wby and 120gr bullet, that shot was 400+ yards away, that's what they are good for


Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2013, 12:30:00 PM »
I have to  throw my hat in for the 270 with 130's for deer and 150's for elk,   it's a little more versatile than a 257 and ammo cost &  availability leans heavily toward the 270.  Since I handload I honestly don't have an issue with with either caliber.  DNP is right is sure flat shooting and I also  hunt the ridges and cross canyon in AZ.   Flip a coin you can't go wrong with either. 

Re: Torn for my first rifle???
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2013, 02:57:45 PM »
thanks for the nod eford!
btw the list also works with girls........... especially line #5 and 6 after a divorce

Friggin hilarious!!

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