Spike Camp

Koyote Kalling


Koyote Kalling
« on: January 26, 2013, 11:55:39 AM »
Might as well laugh about it,
   My long association with game calls would make the Rolaid salesman at a chili contest cry.  I have been screeching and whining at game for ages now, and never had lots of luck at it.  For some reason the calls that I buy aren’t any good.  I have just about decided that it is a plot.  The call vendors get my order for a crow call, then they smirk and put a dying puppy wolf call in the crow call box before they ship it. 
   I have known, or at least long suspected this to be true.  The latest attempt to drive me to drink came in the form of a Tru-Flex coyote call and rabbit distress call.  There never has been a rabbit that sounded like the bunny call in that pack.  Not even in the Stone Age when rabbits weighed half a ton and were carnivores. 
   Even at that the rabbit call was lots more useful than the coyote call.  I hooted the Pleistocene rabbit call and was flogged by a flotilla of crows.  Even to me it sounded like a perfect baby crow distress call.  Can’t shoot at crows with a 22WMR rifle though.  At least not on the wing.  I must have been hid rather well though, because the next thing that happened was a damn bat lit on me.  Those things have sticky little fish hook claws that are surprisingly hard to shake off the arm of a jacket.  I won’t even pretend that the thing coming had anything to do with that abomination of a rabbit distress call.  Looking on the bright side; at least a bat was better than having to run home while being chased by a carnivorous cave rabbit.     
   And the coyote call.  I gave the thing a honk or two and decided that the joker at the call plant had decided to screw with me by sending a goose call.  Even a coyote with strep throat never had a voice that low pitched.  I peevishly yanked the call apart and clipped and tweaked with the reed until it wouldn’t make a sound at all.  Well, it would make a hiss, so I suppose I could call a leaky bicycle tire with it. 
   So I thought; what is the reed but a piece of plastic?  Then I saw that the call came packed in some nice flexy looking plastic.  A light came on.  I cut a new reed out of the packaging and put it back in the call.  Sounds lots better.  At least enough so I can bark like a coyote with it.  Or so I thought. 
   The local coyote glee club had just gotten together the night before and serenaded me not more than 40 yards from my house while I was watching a movie inside.  I decided to sing along the next night.  From my stand I attempted to coyote bark a few times.  The first series met with stony silence.  Then after 10 minutes I tried a few barks with a short howl.  That did it.  Every squirrel in the woods came bounding out of their beds and started swearing at me.  Anybody want a sure-fire imr modified squirrel call?
   Somehow I do manage to kill a coyote now and then.  I play recorded coyote calls on a netbook computer with the volume jacked up.  They won’t come to it either, but I usually set up near the only water source in the area.  Thirsty coyotes have kept me in business so far.  Sooner or later I probably will buy another coyote call.  How else can I get some more plastic packaging material to make another reed?
Your pal,

Re: Koyote Kalling
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 12:21:20 PM »
Sounds like some pretty good calls IMR.You just have to change over to crow and squirrel hunting. ;D Dont get much better than squirrel dumplings to fill your belly.
Faster horses,younger women,older whiskey,and more money.


Re: Koyote Kalling
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 12:32:50 PM »
Maybe your problem is trying to mimic Koyotes instead of Coyotes. I believe the Koyote exists on a diet of special K cereal and other high fibre sources and rarely responds to prey distress calls. You might try filling a tupper ware container 2/3's full of Special K and shaking vigorously for 5-10 min. followed by the rattling of a spoon in a china bowl. Seems to work pretty well up here in the frozen north, especially near high densities of vegetarian, organic eating populace. The Koyotes are known in these parts for raiding and destroying all sorts of fibre rich crops. So set yourself up next to an organic grain field and let the calling begin.



Re: Koyote Kalling
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 12:39:05 PM »
If you shake anything edible around here the only thing that comes is Wally.
your pal,

Re: Koyote Kalling
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 12:43:46 PM »
Guess Wally didnt get back in the military then.Sounded like a good career for him.Bet Rip is glad he is home though.
Faster horses,younger women,older whiskey,and more money.


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Re: Koyote Kalling
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2013, 08:38:57 PM »
Buy a call made by Acme and Wiley will come
Molon Labe

Re: Koyote Kalling
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2013, 10:10:48 PM »
Faster horses,younger women,older whiskey,and more money.


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Re: Koyote Kalling
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2016, 07:51:18 PM »
Maybe your problem is trying to mimic Koyotes instead of Coyotes.

I spit my drink when I read this.
Retirement; The art of doing very little,very slowly

Expert; Someone who knows so much about so little

If you live in the swirl of the drain,inevitably you'll wind up in the cesspool.

Remember 10534

Sorry... Yesterday was the last and final day for any and all complaints whatsoever.