Spike Camp

Finally got my 1st Turkey.


Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« on: April 08, 2013, 02:41:41 PM »
It has taken several years and I have made a lot of mistakes, but it finally all came together.  My hunting buddy was as happy as i was.  She wanted to pet the tur-tur.

Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 03:13:13 PM »
Congrats Chris.Tell us the hunt story.How far,gun,ammo,call? Your hunting buddy is a cutie.
Faster horses,younger women,older whiskey,and more money.


Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 09:54:48 PM »
Congrats. You thought the sickness was bad before and you hadnt shot one, well, there's one under your belt now. It only gets worse.


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Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 05:30:25 AM »
Congratulations!  Your hunting partner is adorable!  Way to go on taking your young one in the woods!  Well done!

Now, explain to us how did you go into the future?  The year on your picture shows 2019.   ;D  LOL!!!!
Senator John Kennedy  " If you support defunding the police, you've tested positive for stupid".


Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 05:44:20 AM »
Good job ,  give us the details.   Doc is right it it gets addictive.


Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 08:27:41 AM »
Rem 870 - didn't have a turkey choke for my SA-08

Winchester Supreme 3" #6, 1300 fps -  best pattern through a Primos Jellyhead choke, but i had just bought a Kick's Gobbling Thunder choke, because my dad's gun patterned so much tighter than mine, both 870's same length barrel.

Robertson Brothers hand made turkey call -  they are made about a mile from my work, bought one a week before season, and the easiest call my untrained hands has ever used.

62 to 65 yrd through the trees shot


Honestly I am very thankful that i was able to harvest the bird and he did not get away wounded, because I had no business taking a shot at that distance with out patterning the gun at that range (i had shot it to 50, and felt confident).

  I let my emotions get the best of me, I had seen 10+ gobblers that day from 90 to 250 yrds, they were being very tight lipped, and wanted nothing to do with decoys (actually ran the other way).

Now that the addiction is firmly set in and the first bird is down, I promise that I will not  let my emotions overrule what constitutes an ethical shot.


Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2013, 05:02:35 PM »
Nice going, nice bird. I went on a multiple year drought and finally cracked it last year. Feels good doesn't it. I finally broke my streak of bad luck by sitting in a tree stand with two buddies, blasting away with a 243 and a 22 being dumb asses. Apparently the sound of rifles and bad behaviour brings turkeys in at 5:00 in the afternoon. I actually had to load the shotgun because a turkey was the last thing we expected to see. After I dumped him I unloaded my O/U, another one walks out and I reloaded the empty shell into the top barrel and had the barrel selector set for top, DUH.... Anyway after several years of doing everything right, everything wrong worked. Enjoy the meat and preserve the tail and spurs.


Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2013, 05:46:01 PM »
Great shooting Chris.6 shot has always worked for me also.They dont always come in as close as we want.Why I now shoot a 12 in 3 1/2 mags.I have had several birds that I had to pull a lot of shot out of the breast before cooking,but dead is dead. ;D I have had the same problem as you when using decoys.Not running away but would see them and stay out of range and start to strut.
Faster horses,younger women,older whiskey,and more money.


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Re: Finally got my 1st Turkey.
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2013, 07:44:52 PM »
One of the luckiest turkey shots that I have heard of, was from a friend of mine here in La Grange, TX.  He had what I call "hunting Mojo."  He always came home with game.  And I saw the game, he wasn't fibbing.  This particular time, he had set up a turkey blind near a large fallen tree.  When he called the toms in, two toms were foutsing around on the far side of the fallen tree.  He waited till they were in a position where both heads and necks were sort of side by side, and fired a shot, getting both with one shot, with absolutely zero pellets in the edible meat.  That would NEVER happen to me in a hundred years.  MM